Policies at Chify Nigeria Limited

Chify Nigeria Limited is dedicated to fostering a workplace that is both safe and conducive to the well-being of its employees and contractors. Our approach to safety is deeply ingrained in our management and HSE policies, reflecting our commitment to operational excellence and employee welfare.

Corporate Citizenship and Safety Integration: Corporate Responsibility: Chify Nigeria Limited sees itself as a responsible corporate citizen, placing paramount importance on the health and safety of its employees, contractors, and the wider community.

Integral Business Component: Safety is not merely a regulatory obligation; it is a fundamental aspect of our business plan. Working safely at Chify enhances employee morale, reduces costs, and ultimately contributes to increased profitability.

Commitment and Collective Responsibility: Collective Commitment: The development, implementation, and maintenance of an effective safety program necessitate the wholehearted commitment of the entire Chify team, including management, employees, and contractors.

Right to Refuse Unsafe Work: Every worker at Chify has the unequivocal right and responsibility to refuse to engage in work that they deem unsafe.

Training and Compliance: Essential Training: We recognize that appropriate training is indispensable for ensuring the ability to work safely. Therefore, Chify is committed to providing and encouraging ongoing safety training.

Implementation and Compliance: Chify pledges to conduct its operations in strict adherence to all applicable laws, regulations, and internal safety policies outlined in the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Management Manual.

Resource Commitment and Responsibilities: Resource Commitment: Executive management at Chify will provide the necessary resources and authority to establish and sustain the safety program. Regular assessments will be conducted to ensure its ongoing effectiveness.

Managerial Duties: Managers and supervisors will oversee equipment maintenance, facilitate employee and contractor training, identify safety needs, communicate hazards, and enforce the use of personal protective equipment.

Employee and Contractor Obligations: Obligations and Collaboration: All employees and contractors are expected to abide by safety rules, follow recommended procedures, use provided protective equipment, communicate hazards, and actively contribute to the continuous improvement of Chify's HSE Management Manual.

Consequences of Non-Compliance: Consequences and Accountability: Violations of safety rules, whether by employees or contractors, may result in disciplinary action, dismissal, and/or legal consequences. Negligence in safety responsibilities will be addressed, and individuals may be held liable under the law.

Collective Impact: Shared Responsibility: Fulfilling our safety responsibilities not only fosters a secure workplace for our employees but also contributes to the well-being of society at large. At Chify Nigeria Limited, safety is not just a requirement; it's a shared responsibility that benefits everyone involved.